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How to Add New Product & Publish to Shopee (with variant)

1. Introduction

Once you have integrated your Shopee Seller Center with SiteGiant, you can create product listings in SiteGiant and publish it to the Shopee Seller Center

2. Insert Product Information

Step 1: Navigate to Products > Shopee Listing, then click on Add Product.

Step 2: Enable status for the ‘Product had variants’ and fill up the basic information.

Enable Status

3. Upload Product Images

Step 1: Upload your product images here. (Recommended: Image size less than 2MB)

Upload Product Images

4. Select Categories & Attributes

Step 1: Choose the Categories, and fill up the Attributes.

Select Categories & Attributes

5. Set Up Product Variants, Price & Stock

Step 1: Insert the Variant Name and add the Variant Option.

Products Variants, Price & Stock

Step 2: Fill in the details for the product variants.

Product Variants

Step 3: Choose the Shopee Promotion for each variant, if you wish to set promotion price for the variants. – How to Create Shopee Discount Promotions?

Shopee Promotion

Step 4: Enable Wholesale Product status to set wholesale price.

Wholesale Product Status

6. Enable Shipping Details

Step 1: Insert the Weight & Parcel Size of the product. Then, enable the Shipping Fee option.

Weight & Parcel Size

Step 2: Enable Pre-order if you require more time to ship the product.


Step 3: Click on the ‘Save & Publish’ button on the right top to sync the product over to Shopee seller center. However, if you do not wish to publish the product immediately in Shopee seller center, you may just ‘Save as Draft’ or ‘Save & Delist’.

Save & Publish

home/demo/sitegiant/sales_channels/with_variant.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/17 02:24 by webstation