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How to Manage Rack & Rack Group

1. Go to the Inventory menu, and select Warehouses.


2. Click on the ‘Add Rack‘ button to create a new rack.

Add Rack Button

3. Fill the Rack Name, and click ‘Save‘.

Note: You may add the rack into a Rack Group for better rack organization. Or, you can write the Note for your own reference. (optional)

Add Rack

4. Then, you can assign the inventory item to a rack for a better fulfillment process by referring to Packing List or PickList.

5. You can group the racks with Rack Group from ‘Manage Rack Group‘. (optional)

Manage Rack Group

6. Click on ‘Add New Rack Group‘.

Add New Rack Group

7. Insert the Rack Group Name, and assign the racks into Rack List.

Manage Rack Group

8. Once done, click ‘Save‘.

home/demo/sitegiant/inventory/manage_rack_and_rack_group.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/20 03:02 by webstation