** Webstation Hybrid Cloud Solution **
We at Webstation have a lot knowledge on Server functions and AutoCount Systems. By using our knowledge we came out of Solution called Hybrid Cloud Solution. We mainly focus on accessing this system remotely which helps to manage different part of the company from one place.
**Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Solution**
{{ :home:services:manage_your_store_remotely.png?direct&200 |Manage your store remotely}}
**Manage your store remotely**
{{ :home:services:instantly_get_sales_statistic.png?direct&200 |Instantly get sales statistic}}
**Instantly get sales statistic**
{{ :home:services:secure_and_reliable_server.png?direct&200 |Secure and reliable server}}
**Secure and reliable server**
**Overview / How It Works?**
{{:home:services:autocount_back_end.jpg?direct 750 |AutoCount Back End}}
{{ :home:services:office.jpg?nolink400 |Office}}
Boss/Staff can access the AutoCount System remotely from their office.
* Manage stock allocation for the mobile store.
* View sales statistic for the mobile store.
{{ :home:services:warehouse.jpg?nolink400 |Warehouse}}
Can access system remotely.
* Check stock allocation for each mobile store set by the Boss/Staff.
{{ :home:services:laptop-remote_device.jpg?nolink400 |Laptop/Remote Device}}
**Laptop/Remote Device**
With remote device, accessing the same system that you would in your office can be done anywhere and Work from Home is being common during this pandemic time.
{{ :home:services:mobile_store.jpg?nolink400 |Mobile Store}}
**Mobile Store**
For the Mobile store will be installed AutoCount POS System.
* Can have More payment method for Customers.
* All sales data from the POS System will be synced real-time to the AutoCount backend system.
Learn More about AutoCount POS
{{ :home:services:smartphone_with_e-dashboard_app.jpg?nolink400 |Smartphone with E-Dashboard app}}
**Smartphone with E-Dashboard app**
Can access E-Dashboard app on All Smartphone device
* Can access real-time sales report through a mobile-friendly sales dashboard on the go.
* Easily keep an eye on daily/hourly sales transactions.
* Setting daily, weekly or monthly targets and track performance progress on set targets.
{{ :home:services:outlet_store.jpg?nolink400 |Outlet Store}}
**Outlet Store**
Outlet Store will function same as Mobile Store in fixed location.
* Can have More payment method for Customers.
* All sales data from the POS System will be synced real-time to the AutoCount backend system.
Learn More about AutoCount POS
{{ :home:services:autocount_backend.jpg?nolink400 |AutoCount Backend}}
**AutoCount Backend**
For AutoCount Backend will be hosted on our server, which makes the system more accessible remotely from anywhere. With our IT knowledge we able to identify any problems and make sure the system runs smoothly for 24/7 without any inconvenience.
** Request A Free Consultation With Us **
For any service consultation request, please feel free to Call us or WhatsApp us:
** Toll Free Number: 1700 822 922 (General) **
{{:home:whatsapp_logo.png?nolink 20|Whatsapp Logo}}**[[https://wa.me/60165534968/| +6016-553 4968 (Ms Ong)]] / [[https://wa.me/60165508505/| +6016-550 8505 (Mr Jonathan)]] **
Terms & conditions apply
**[[{|width: 12em; color:green; border-color:#0065cd}home:contact_us|Request Demo]]** \\
** (c) 2022, Webstation Computer Centre. **
**All right reserved.**