====== How to Create a New Kit ====== ===== 1. Introduction ===== With this Kit feature, you can combine several items together for sale while managing each itemโ€™s inventory accordingly. If you are selling bundle products, you will need to group them under a kit to manage the item stock together. {{ :home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:sitegiant_kit.mp4?direct 800 |SiteGiant Kit}} \\ ๐Ÿ“Œ**Important Note:** You must have inventory items before you can start creating your bundle product. If you have not created the inventory items, refer to the following โ€“ [[home:knowledge_base:sitegiant:inventory:create_inventory_item|How to Create Inventory Item]] \\ \\ ---- \\ ===== 2. Add Kit ===== **Step 1:** Navigate to All Inventory Items from Inventory menu {{:home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:all_inventory_items.png?direct 200 |All Inventory Items}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Step 2:** Click **+ Add New Item** > **Add Kit** {{:home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:add_kit.png?direct 800|Add Kit}} \\ \\ **Step 3:** Fill in **Kit Info** accordingly {{:home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:kit_info.png?direct 800|Kit Info}} \\ ๐Ÿ“ŒNote: \\ 1. Kit info with * is **required** to fill in \\ 2. Recommended image size: 800 x 800 pixels and below 300KB \\ **Step 4:** Under **Item List** > + Add Item > search and select the item {{ :home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:item_list.mp4?direct 800 |Item List}} \\ **Step 5:** Adjust the **quantity** of each item that is included in the Kit {{:home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:adjust_quantity.png?direct 800|Adjust Quantity}} \\ **Step 6:** Set the Safety Stock, Lead Time, and Stock Status {{:home:demo:sitegiant:inventory:restock_details.png?direct 800|Restock Details}} \\ ๐Ÿ“Œ**Note:** \\ **Safety Stock:** Minimum amount of stocks considered to be low quantity and need to restock soon \\ **Lead Time:** The number of days needed for the stock to arrive \\ **Stock Status:** If set to Out of Stock, system will sync zero "0" quantity to all sales channels \\ **Step 7:** Save and done!