====== How to Use Product Watermark ====== ===== 1. Introduction ===== Do you want to make your products stand out from competitors, especially during big sale events? Now you can add your own designed watermark or use our special watermark for your Shopee and Lazada products! With the unique watermark applied to your product image, it certainly makes your product stand out among your competitors, increases click-through rate, and boosts sales! {{ :home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:product_watermark.mp4?direct 800 |Product Watermark}} \\ ---- \\ ===== 2. Add Product Watermark ===== **Step 1:** Go to Apps > Marketplaces > Shopee Product Watermark / Lazada Product Watermark {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:product_watermark.png?direct 800 |Product Watermark}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Step 2:** Click on View All Watermark > Add Product Watermark {{ :home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:view_all_watermark.mp4?direct 800 |View All Watermark}} \\ \\ **Step 3:** Insert **Product Watermark Title** > upload the **Watermark Image** > Save {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:upload_watermark_image.png?direct 800 |Upload Watermark Image}} 💡**Tips:** \\ 1. Recommended watermark size: **1000 x 1000 pixels** \\ 2. Make sure that the watermark background color is **transparent** and in **.png format** \\ 3. You can download the watermark frame template provided by SiteGiant – [[home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:watermark_template|Learn more]] \\ \\ ---- \\ ===== 3. Apply Product Watermark ===== **Step 1:** Select products > click **‘Apply’** {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:apply_product_watermark.png?direct 800 |Apply Product Watermark}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Step 2:** Choose the image source > select the watermark > Sync to Shopee {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:sync_to_shopee.png?direct 800 |Sync To Shopee}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 📌**Note:** \\ **Origin Image:** The product main image that the system stored after synced with watermark for the first time \\ **Current Shopee Image:** The product main image which currently on your Product Listing Page \\ \\ **Step 3:** Click **‘Yes, Confirm’** to add and sync the watermark {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:yes_confirm.png?direct 500|Yes, Confirm}} \\ \\ **Step 4:** The products will be in queue to sync the watermark. This is what the outcome looks like once successfully synced: {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:successfully_synced.png?direct 800 |Successfully Synced}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ 💡**Tips:** \\ 1. The watermark will only apply to the **first image** of the product \\ 2. The product’s main image that use to sync with the watermark will be kept as **Origin Image** \\ 3. For future product watermark sync, kindly sync with **Origin Image** to prevent overlapping of watermark \\ \\ ---- \\ =====📝 Additional Information ===== ==== 1. Preview Product Watermark ==== **Step 1:** Click on the **Preview** icon {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:preview.png?direct 800 |Preview}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ **Step 2:** Choose the image source > select watermark > Preview {{:home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:preview_product_watermark.png?direct 800 |Preview Product Watermark}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ==== 2. Filter Product Without Watermark ==== {{ :home:demo:sitegiant:getting_started:sales_channels:filter_product_without_watermark.mp4?direct 800 |Filter Product Without Watermark}}